Final Project



The final project in this course will provide an opportunity to pursue another area of scientific or technical computing. You may choose one of several proposed projects. Some of these build on previous projects, while there are several that explore topics not covered directly in class, but for which we have covered the necessary skills. You will need to submit the code for your project or a written paper describing your research and prepare a short oral presentation describing your work. You will also submit the presentation. Presentations will take place during the regularly scheduled final exam time for this course. Teams of 2-3 students are strongly encouraged for this project!

Option 1: Programming

There are several options for programming, some expanding on the "Game of Life" or "Random Walk" minilabs, to simulate other events, while others explore new concepts and models. These include:


You will submit the code for your project (via a Google Colab link or a well-documented Python file), as well as your presentation. It is strongly recommended that you write your code in Google Colab, to make it easy to collaborate with your team, and to make it easy to describe what your code is doing and what you are investigating with it. Your presentation should describe the topic you chose, what you wanted to investigate, and what you learned from that investigation.

Option 2: Research

This list is not exhaustive; see me if you want to propose a topic not on this list.


You will submit a written report of your research, approximately 5 pages long. Your report should include an introduction to your topic, what you were investigating about it, and what you learned. Your presentation should include these same things. Your paper and presentation should include any sources you used.

Friday of 9th Week

By Friday of 9th Week you should submit a short (one-page) project progress report. This document should include which option you are doing (programming or research), which project/research area you are working on, why it is interesting, and what you are investigating about it. You should inlcude the names of everyone on the team and how responsibilities will be shared. You should also include an update on any progress made at this point.

Presentation Guidelines

During the final exam time for the class, each team will give a presentation about their project. The presentation should be 6-8 minutes long. Slightly longer or slightly shorter is okay. Presentations may include information, pictures, possibly even short videos from other sources, but respect copyright and intellectual integrity. It is not recommended that you include big segments of code in your presentation. If it is necessary to show a little segment to aid in audience understanding, that's fine. Large sections of code and/or mathematical equations are often big distractors, as the audience immediately starts trying to figure out how it works and stops listening to the speaker(s).

Cite your sources! (You may use MLA style, APA style, ACM style, or another style of your own devising, so long as you include all the appropriate information.)

PRACTICE! There is no other way to make sure that you have the timing right.

Grading Criteria (40 pts)

(ALL) Presentation (10 pts)

3 pts     Structure
4 pts     Content
3 pts     Presentation

(OPTION 1) Program (30 pts)

20 pts     Functionality
5 pts     Style/Organization
5 pts     Documentation and Comments

(OPTION 2) Research Paper (30 pts)

20 pts     Content
10 pts     Style and Organization