Lab: Finite State Automata and Regular Expressions

Finite State Automata

This lab should be done individually, although you may certainly discuss your progress with your neighbors.

A finite state machine is said to accept a given input string if the input takes the machine from the start state, indicated in these diagrams by a triangle, to an accepting (or final) state, indicated by a double border.

We will be dealing with relatively simple finite state automata that are easily drawn by hand. If you wish, you may use JFLAP, a graphical tool for experimenting with concepts from automata theory, to check your work. You can access JFLAP on-line at Download the first version listed, "JFLAP_Thin.jar". (Click here for a simple "cheat sheet" on using JFLAP.)

Write down answers to each of the numbered questions below. First, try answering these questions without building the machines in JFLAP. Feel free to use JFLAP to check your answers.

Regular Expressions

Regular expressions provide another way of describing the sets of strings that are "accepted" by a finite state machine, i.e., for which the finite state machine will halt in an "accept" state. Binary strings are just sequences of 0's and 1's, such as, 0, 1, 01, 101, or 1100100011100111. An empty string has no items in it, i.e., has a length of 0. Regular expressions can be built using three different operators:

Concatenation (followed-by) - This is expressed by placing two symbols (or other regular expressions) adjacent to each other. For example, 01 represents the string of length 2 composed of a zero followed by a one; 1000001 represents the string of length 7 composed of a one, followed by five zeros, followed by a one.

Union (or) - This is expressed with the + symbol. For example (1 + 0) matches either 0 or 1. The expression (00) + (11) matches 00 or 11, while the expression 0(0+1) matches either 00 or 01.

Star - The star operator matches any number (including zero) of repetitions of the starred item. For example 10* matches 1, 10, 100, 1000, etc. The expression (10)* matches 10, 1010, 101010, etc. It also matches the empty string.

Parentheses are used to group operators.

Copyright 2005, 2009, Nathan Sprague, Kalamazoo College