1. Let a be the number of letters in your first name. Use the Extended Euclidean Algorithm to find the inverse of a mod 26. Recall that in order to do this, a must be coprime to 26. If the number of letters in your name is not coprime to 26, you should find the inverse of the next largest number that is coprime to 26. For example, Pamela has 6 letters (not coprime to 26), so I would go up to 7 and find the inverse of 7 mod 26. You must show your work in order to meet the expectations for this problem.
  2. Problem 6.8 from the Paar textbook. Show your work.
  3. Problem 6.9 from the Paar textbook. Explain why your formulae work.
  4. Problem 6.10 from the Paar textbook. Show your work.
  5. Problem 7.3 from the Paar textbook. Show your work.
  6. Problem 7.6 from the Paar textbook. Show your work.
  7. Problem 7.7 from the Paar textbook. Show your work.
  8. Problem 7.9 from the Paar textbook. Explain your answer.
  9. Problem 7.11 from the Paar textbook. Explain your answers.
  10. Problem 7.12 from the Paar textbook. Explain your answers.

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