Comp 215 Programming Project: Implementations and Reflections of Divide and Conquer Algorithms


Your goal for this project is to study and implement several divide and conquer algorithms that often come up in job interviews. For each problem you select, you will first be asked to come up with your own solution, then compare that with a known solution, and implement the known solution in either Java or Python. After completing the implementations, you will write a reflection discussing what you learned.

Program Details

You are welcome to use either Java or Python for this project. If you insist on using a language other than one of these two, you must have instructor approval before starting the project.

You may discuss the algorithms to solve the problems in these exercises with classmates, but the implementations and reflections should be your own work. You must include an acknowledgement of any discussion collaborators in your documentation.

Regardless of the programming language you use, you are expected to turn in well structured, well documented code. For guidance, you can refer to the CS Program Style Guide and CS Program Documentation Standards. The specifics will obviously vary from one language to the next, but these standards should give you a starting point.

Part 1: Algorithms and Programming

Read through the introduction and sections 4 and 5 of the article "50 divide and conquer interview questions [easy, medium, hard]".

For each of sections 1, 2, and 3 (easy, medium, and hard divide and conquer questions), select one problem that interests you. For each problem you select, complete the following:

  1. Read through the problem and come up with a solution of your own that uses the divide and conquer strategy. Write your solution in words/pseudocode.
  2. Look at the solution provided and compare with what you did. Explain any differences between your solution and the solution you looked at.
  3. Implement the given solution. Make sure to run the code with a good set of test cases. Think about what the average cases are and what your boundary cases would be.

Part 2: Reflections

After completing Part 1, think about and reflect on the following:

Your reflection should be at least a couple of paragraphs. A page or more would not be unrealistic. You should think about what you learned and how things went before you jump into writing. Use complete sentences and correct grammar.

Handing In

There are two separate due dates for Part 1 and Part 2. For Part 1, you should submit a zip file on Kit that contains the following:

  1. A document describing the questions you chose and your pseudocode.
  2. Any code files you created. Code should be well-documented.

For Part 2 you should submit a pdf file on Kit with your reflection.

Grading Criteria

Grades on this project will be broken down as follows:

Part 1: Question descriptions and pseudocode: 4
Part 1: Implementations: 4
Part 2: Reflection: 4
Total: 12

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