Mini-Lab: Introduction to Google Colab



In this mini-lab you will gain practice with writing a scientific report with Google Colab.


    We will learn the basics of Google Colab, a tool for writing and executing code in your browser, with easy sharing among collaborators. To use this tool, you must have a Google account.
  1. To begin, go to the following website: You will need to sign in to your Google account if you have not already done so. In the window that pops up, click on the "Welcome to Colaborator" link. Read through the "Getting started" and "Data Science" sections.
  2. Work through Sections 1-5 of this Google Colab tutorial. At the end of these sections, you should have created a new notebook, added some code and text to it, and saved it to your Google drive.
  3. Section 6 of the tutorial shows how to share your notebook with others. Click on the link to "Share" your notebook. (Look for this link in the upper right corner of the screen.) Get the link to share with others, and submit this link for this mini-lab on Kit.
  4. Watch the following video to learn how to make your notebook into more of a report. Turning a Python notebook into a report.
  5. Experiment with adding code and text cells into your notebook, and formatting sections. You could paste your Game of Life code into your notebook, and then add comments and discussion about your results. Try to add an image into your notebook. Make your notebook look like a nice report.
  6. Share your notebook (email your link) with someone in the class.
  7. Open your peer's notebook and try to edit it. Did it work? Why or why not? (If you're unsure what should happen here, ask the TA or instructor.)
