If Statements



In this mini-lab you will gain practice with if statements, and will continue to improve your work with functions in Python.

Intro to If Statements

  1. In the Editor in Spyder, create a new file for the functions you will write in this mini-lab. Then save the new file with a name representative of this minilab.
  2. Write a function called testConditions1 that takes two parameters, say x and y, and does the following:
    If x is less than y, set x to 3. Then print out the values of x and y.
  3. Test your function by calling it with different values for x and y. Make sure you choose appropriate values to test when the condition is true and when it is false.
  4. Write a function called testCondition2 that takes 2 parameters, say x and y, and does the following:
    if x equals 3 or y is not equal to 5, set x to 0; otherwise set x to -1. Then print the values of x and y at the end of your function.
  5. Test your function with several values of x and y that will make each condition true.

Choose your own Adventure (If-else statements)

In these exercises, you will use nested if/else to write a "choose your own adventure" style game. As an example, a session of the game might look something like:
In[1]: myGame()
You are standing in front of two doors.
Which would you like to open?

Enter 0 for left, or 1 for right.
Inside, a talking horse asks if you would like an apple.

Do you accept? Enter 0 for no or 1 for yes.
You win!  That apple was covered in caramel and was delicious!
This example is a two-level game. (The user answers two questions and gets a result.) To get you started, the first few lines of my function look like the following:
def myGame():
    print("You are standing in front of two doors.")
    print("Which would you like to open?")
    door = int(input("Enter 0 for left, or 1 for right.\n "))
(Note: the \n at the end of the string passed to the input function causes the input to be typed on the next line.)

  1. Plan your adventure. To start with, the user should get two options (2 doors, 2 boxes, 2 roads, etc). Then within each of those two options, the user should get two choices. This means there are four possible outcomes overall. Decide what you want for these choices.
    For example, the adventure above starts with giving the user the choice between 2 doors. Inside one door was a talking horse. What you didn't see was that inside the other door was a talking goat. The horse offers the user an apple, and the goat would offer the user a candy bar. Based on whether or not the user accepts that offer, a different message would then get displayed.
  2. Write a function called myGame that presents two options to the user and then gets the user's input for which option they would like. (Your code may look similar to the myGame function above.)
  3. Add an if/else statement in your function that will print a different message based on the user's choice.
  4. Test your function. You should run your function twice, choosing a different option each time.
  5. Now, within each of the two user options, after you print the message, add some code asking the user to choose between two options related to this message. Test your code.
  6. Next, for each of these user inputs, add an if/else statement to print a message based on the user's choice.
  7. Test your code with different inputs to ensure all of your code executes correctly.
  8. Enhancements/Challenges 1: (For fun, not required) Modify your function so that it can handle incorrect input by the user. What should happen if the user enters in a number or letter other that what the program expects? (It probably prints out an error message and stops.)

  9. Enhancements/Challenges 2: (For fun, not required) Add another level to your adventure. How many possible outcomes will there be with three levels?
