Quick Reference
For Built-In JES Picture Functions


Functions dealing with Pictures and picture files:

makeEmptyPicture(w, h)# returns an empty Picture with
# the given dimensions
makeEmptyPicture(w,h,c)# returns an empty Picture with
# the given dimensions & color
pickAFile() # returns a filename
makePicture(filename) # returns a Picture representation
# of the contents of the file
getWidth(pict) # returns the width of Picture pict
getHeight(pict) # returns the height of Picture pict
getPixels(pict) # returns a list of all the Pixels
# in the Picture
show(pict) # displays the specified Picture
duplicate(pict) # returns a new Picture that is a
# duplicate of pict

Functions dealing with Pixels:

getPixel(pict, x, y) # returns the Pixel at the specified
# x- and y-cooordinates of Picture
# pict
getRed(px) # returns amount of red in Pixel px
setRed(px, amount) # sets the amount of red in Pixel px
getColor(px) # returns a Color object representing
# the color of Pixel px
setColor(px, color) # sets the color of Pixel px
getX(px) # returns x-coordinate of Pixel px
setY(px, amount) # returns y-coordinate of Pixel px